ɋɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɬ ɡɚ ɫɴɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɟ OsvČdþení o shodČ Konformitätserklärung Overensstemmelsescerti¿kat Declaración de conformidad Vastavusserti¿kaat Déclaration de conformité Yhdenmukaisuustodistus Conformity certi¿cate ȆȚıIJȠʌȠȚȘIJȚțȩ ıȣȝȝȩȡijȦıȘȢ MegfelelĘsségi nyilatkozat Dichiarazione di conformità

Atitikties deklaracija AtbilstƯbas deklarƗcija Konformitetsserti¿sering Conformiteitsverklaring Declaração de conformidade Deklaracja zgodnoĞci Certi¿cat de conformitate Ɂɚɹɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɨ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɢ Överensstämmelsecerti¿kat Certi¿kát súladu Certi¿kat o ustreznosti Uyumluluk serti¿kası

Ɇɨɞɟɥ / Model / Modell / Model / Modelo / Mudel / Modèle / Malli / Model / ȂȠȞIJȑȜȠ / Modell / Modello / Modelis / Modelis / Modell / Model / Modelo / Model / Model / Ɇɨɞɟɥɶ / Modell / Model / Model / Model :


Ɍɢɩ / Typ / Typ / Type / Tipo / Tüüp / Type / Tyyppi / Type / ȉȪʌȠȢ / Típus / Tipo / Tipas / Tips / Type / Type / Tipo / Typ / Tip / Ɍɢɩ / Typ / Typ / Tip / Tip :

SR 1100S P

ɋɟɪɢɟɧ ɧɨɦɟɪ / Výrobní þíslo / Seriennummer / Serienummer / Número de serie / Seerianumber / Numéro de série / Sarjanumero / Serial number

/ȈİȚȡȚĮțȩȢ ĮȡȚșȝȩȢ / Sorozatszám / Numero di serie / Serijos numeris / SƝrijas numurs / Serienummer / Serienummer / Número de série / Numer seryjny / Număr de serie / ɋɟɪɢɣɧɵɣ ɧɨɦɟɪ / Serienummer / Výrobné þíslo / Serijska številka / Seri Numarası :

Ƚɨɞɢɧɚ ɧɚ ɩɪɨɢɡɜɨɞɫɬɜɨ / Rok výroby / Baujahr / Fabrikationsår / Año de fabricación / Väljalaskeaasta / Année de fabrication / Valmistusvuosi / Year of construction / DzIJȠȢ țĮIJĮıțİȣȒȢ / Gyártási év / Anno di costruzione / Pagaminimo metai / Izgatavošanas gads / Byggeår / Bauwjaar / Ano de fabrico / Rok produkcji / Anul fabricaĠiei / Ƚɨɞ ɜɵɩɭɫɤɚ / Tillverkningsår / Rok výroby / Leto izdelave / Leto izdelave/ømal yılı :

Ⱦɨɥɭɩɨɞɩɢɫɚɧɢɹɬ ɩɨɬɜɴɪɠɞɚɜɚ, ɱɟ ɝɨɪɟɫɩɨɦɟɧɚɬɢɹɬ ɦɨɞɟɥ ɟ ɩɪɨɢɡɜɟɞɟɧ ɜ ɫɴɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɟ ɫɴɫ ɫɥɟɞɧɢɬɟ ɞɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɢ ɢ ɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɢ.

Níže podepsaný stvrzuje, že výše uvedený model byl vyroben v souladu s následujícími smČrnicemi a normami.

Der Unterzeichner bestätigt hiermit dass die oben erwähnten Modelle gemäß den folgenden Richtlinien und Normen hergestellt wurden.

Undertegnede attesterer herved, at ovennævnte model er produceret i overensstemmelse med følgende direktiver og standarder.

El abajo ¿rmante certi¿ca que los modelos arriba mencionados han sido producidos de acuerdo con las siguientes directivas y estandares.

Allakirjutanu kinnitab, et ülalnimetatud mudel on valmistatud kooskõlas järgmiste direktiivide ja normidega.

Je soussigné certi¿e que les modèles ci- dessus sont fabriqués conformément aux directives et normes suivantes.

Allekirjoittaia vakuuttaa että yllämainittu malli on tuotettu seuraavien direktiivien ja standardien mukaan.

The undersigned certify that the above mentioned model is produced in accordance with the following directives and standards.


Alulírottak igazoljuk, hogy a fent említett modellt a következĘ irányelvek és szabványok alapján hoztuk létre.

Il sottoscritto dichiara che i modelli sopra menzionati sono prodotti in accordo con le seguenti direttive e standard.

Toliau pateiktu dokumentu patvirtinama, kad minơtas modelis yra pagamintas laikantis nurodytǐ direktyvǐ bei standartǐ.

Ar šo tiek apliecinƗts, ka augstƗkminƝtais modelis ir izgatavots atbilstoši šƗdƗm direktƯvƗm un standartiem.

Undertegnede attesterer att ovennevnte modell är produsert i overensstemmelse med fölgende direktiv og standarder.

Ondergetekende verzekert dat de bovengenoemde modellen geproduceerd zijn in overeenstemming met de volgende richtlijnen en standaards.

A presente assinatura serve para declarar que os modelos supramencionados são produtos em conformidade com as seguintes directivas e normas.

NiĪej podpisany zaĞwiadcza, Īe wymieniony powyĪej model produkowany jest zgodnie z nastĊpującymi dyrektywami i normami.

Subsemnatul atest că modelul sus- menĠionat este produs în conformitate cu următoarele directive úi standarde.

ɇɚɫɬɨɹɳɢɦ ɭɞɨɫɬɨɜɟɪɹɟɬɫɹ, ɱɬɨ ɦɚɲɢɧɚ ɜɵɲɟɭɤɚɡɚɧɧɨɣ ɦɨɞɟɥɢ ɢɡɝɨɬɨɜɥɟɧɚ

ɜɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɢ ɫɨ ɫɥɟɞɭɸɳɢɦɢ ɞɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚɦɢ ɢ ɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɚɦɢ.

Undertecknad intygar att ovannämnda modell är producerad i överensstämmelse med följande direktiv och standarder.

Dolu podpísaný osvedþuje, že hore uvedený model sa vyrába v súlade s nasledujúcimi smernicami a normami.

Spodaj podpisani potrjujem, da je zgoraj omenjeni model izdelan v skladu z naslednjimi smernicami in standardi.

Aúa÷ıda ømzası olan kiúi, yukarıda bahsedilen model cihazın aúa÷ıda verilen direktiÀere ve standartlara uygunlukta imal edildi÷ini onaylar.










EC Machinery Dir

ective 98/37/EC

EN 12100-1, EN 12100-2, EN 294, EN 349












ective 73/23/EEC

EN 60335-1, EN 60335-2-72

Low Voltage Dir












EN 61000, EN 50366

C EMC Directive









Manufacturer: Nil¿sk-Advance S.p.a.

Authorized signatory: Franco Mazzini, General Mgr


Address: Strada Comunale della Braglia, 18, 26862 GUARDAMIGLIO (LO) - ITALY

Tel: +39 (0)377 451124, Fax: +39 (0)377 51443

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Nilfisk-Advance America manuel dutilisation Sweeper, SR 1100S P

SR 1100S specifications

The Nilfisk-Advance America SR 1100S is a robust, versatile scrubber designed to meet the diverse cleaning needs of various commercial environments. Ideal for both small and medium-sized spaces, this machine excels in performance, efficiency, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to achieve a high standard of cleanliness.

One of the standout features of the SR 1100S is its compact and ergonomic design. This allows for easy maneuverability in tight spaces such as aisles, smaller retail environments, and crowded areas. The machine is equipped with a highly efficient brush system that ensures effective scrubbing while reducing water and detergent consumption, enabling operators to achieve optimal results while also being environmentally conscious.

The SR 1100S is powered by a reliable battery system that offers an impressive run time. This allows for extended cleaning sessions without the need for frequent recharging, which can be a significant advantage in busy commercial settings. Additionally, the scrubber features a simple control panel, making it user-friendly for operators of varying skill levels. The intuitive design means that staff can quickly learn to operate the machine, enhancing productivity throughout the organization.

One of the key technologies employed in the Nilfisk-Advance America SR 1100S is the advanced Ecoflex system. This innovative technology enables users to adjust the water and detergent flow according to the specific cleaning needs of each task. This not only helps in conserving resources but also ensures that surfaces are cleaned effectively, regardless of the level of soiling.

Furthermore, the SR 1100S is designed with operator safety in mind. With features that reduce noise levels during operation, it makes it suitable for use in noise-sensitive areas, such as schools and hospitals. The scrubber is also built with maintenance accessibility in mind, allowing for quick and easy servicing, which minimizes downtime.

In conclusion, the Nilfisk-Advance America SR 1100S is a powerful, efficient, and user-friendly scrubber that is backed by advanced technology. Its compact design, effective cleaning capabilities, and operator-friendly features make it a valuable addition to any cleaning fleet. With its commitment to sustainability and efficiency, the SR 1100S is an ideal choice for businesses aiming to maintain a clean and safe environment for employees and customers alike.