Product Warranty
NetComm products have a standard 12 months warranty from date of purchase. However some products have an extended warranty option, via registering your product online at the NetComm website www.netcomm.com.au.
Technical Support
If you have any technical difficulties with your product, please refer to the support section of our website.
Note: NetComm Technical Support for this product only covers the basic installation and features outlined in the Quick Start Guide. For further information regarding the advanced features of this product, please refer to the configuring sections in the User Guide or contact a Network Specialist.
NETCOMM LIMITED PO Box 1200, Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia
P:02 9424 2070 F: 02 9424 2010
E:sales@netcomm.com.au W: www.netcomm.com.au
DYNALINK NZ 224b Bush Road, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
P:09 448 5548 F: 09 448 5549
E: sales@dynalink.co.nz W: www.dynalink.co.nz
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of NetComm Limited or their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Images shown may vary slightly from the actual product.