Generate new SSH host keys (yes/no) [yes]:
This may take a few seconds...ok
Enter a password for the "admin" user:
To maintain a high level of security while using an SSH connection, accept the default choice to generate new SSH host keys.
15If you like to go through setup.
Run NSNAS quick setup wizard [yes/no] [yes]
16Cluster creation is complete. Login using the admin user to continue with configuration.
Joining an SNAS to an existing cluster
This section describes how to set up
While joining SNAS to an existing cluster, less information is needed because the new SNAS fetches most of the configuration from the other SNAS(s) in the cluster.
•For the cluster configuration, all the nodes must be on a same subnet.
•If the Access list consists of entries (e.g. IP addresses for control of Telnet and SSH access), add the cluster’s MIP, the existing SNAS host IP address on Interface 1, and the host IP address for the new SNAS to the Access list. This must be done before you join the new SNAS, or the devices cannot communicate. Use /cfg/sys/accesslist to check the Access list. If the Access list is empty, this step is not required.
•If the SNAS you are about to join contains a different software version than existing SNAS(s), install the preferred software version on the new SNAS before you join it or upgrade the whole cluster to the same software version as the new SNAS. Use /boot/software/cur to check the currently installed software version.
Nortel Secure Network Access
Installation — Quick Start Switch 4070
2.0 28 July 2008
Copyright © 2008, Nortel Networks