26DC power supply fundamentals
Minimum number of 8005DC power supplies to install
To configure an Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 system, consider the total power consumption to ensure proper system performance.
The total input power consumption of the components (modules and fan trays or cooling modules) must not exceed the 8005DC power supply rating.
To determine the minimum number of power supplies to install for the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 system, see “Determining the minimum number of DC power supplies” (page 28).
Redundant power configuration
If a chassis has a redundant power configuration and one power supply fails, the chassis continues to operate with no interruption of service. The chassis continues to supply the same module output power with the remaining power supplies. A trap and syslog message indicates that the configuration is nonredundant. Nortel recommends that you operate the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 system in a redundant configuration at all times to ensure maximum network performance.
A redundant power supply ensures that the system does not fail if a single power supply fails.
If a chassis has the minimum power supply configuration and one power supply fails, the system loses power and network connectivity.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 8300
Installation — DC Power Supply
9 June 2008
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