Using Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging 11
P0908524 Issue 01 Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging Reference Guide
Enterprise Edge ATA 2You can use a single-line Enterprise Edge telephone for most Enterprise Edge
Voice Messaging sessions. However, you cannot use a single-line telephone
attached to an Enterprise Edge ATA 2 for Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging
System Administration tasks.
There is no Message Waiting Notification when you are using an Enterprise Edge
ATA 2.
Although a single-line telephone does not have a feature button, you can access
Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging features.
To access Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging features, such as the Leave Message
feature or the Open mailbox feature, call Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging and
follow the voice prompts. You can determine the Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging
extension by pressing ƒ·°fi on an Enterprise Edge telephone.
You can also press:
•˚•·°⁄ to open your mailbox
•˚•·°‚ to leave a message, and follow the voice prompts.
Entering characters on the Enterprise Edge dialpadThe buttons on your Enterprise Edge telephone dialpad act as both numbers and
letters. Each button represents a number and also represents letters of the alphabet.
You can enter a maximum number of 16 characters on the command line of the
Enterprise Edge dialpad. The display shows 16 characters at a time. The prompt
remains on the display if you enter fewer than ten characters.
If you are entering information where the prompt and the information is fewer than
16 characters, you can see both the prompt and the information you entered.
An example of a display with fewer than 16 characters, where the command line
prompt remains on the display is the Pswd command line prompt.
The prompt disappears for the following command line prompts:
•Dest ph: