
Choose how the camera meters exposure.



pMatrix(default) Camera sets exposure for entire frame. Recommended in most situations.


Camera meters entire frame but assigns









greatest weight to subject in center of moni-









tor (see right). Classic meter for portraits; pre-








serves background details while letting








q weighted









lighting conditions at center of frame deter-









mine exposure. Can be used with focus lock















(B 77) to meter off-center subjects.


















Camera meters area shown by circle in center

















of monitor (see right). Ensures that subject in








r Spot

metering target is correctly exposed even if








background is much lighter or darker. Can be

















used with focus lock (B 77) to meter off-cen-









ter subjects.














s Spot AF

Camera meters selected focus area (B 76). Not available when Center is

selected for AF-area mode (if Center is selected for AF-area mode when


spot AF-area metering is in effect, Metering will be set to Matrix).






ADigital Zoom

When digital zoom is in effect, the camera focuses on the subject in the center focus area and center-weighted metering is used. At magnifications of 2.0× or higher, the camera meters the center focus area only. The metered area is not shown in the monitor.

72 Menu Guide

Page 84
Image 84
Northern Industrial Tools P5000 user manual Metering, Choose how the camera meters exposure