Built-In Status Test Chapter 8
EuroPak-15a Receiver User Manual Rev 5 109
See the RXSECSTATUS log on Page 91 for more detailed descriptions of this log. If the error word is
00000000, the receiver is not experiencing an error condition. If the receiver error word indicates an error,
please also see Section 8.2, Receiver Status Word on Page 107.
8.4.3 Status Code Arrays
There are 3 status code arrays – the receiver status word, the auxiliary 1 status and the auxiliary 2 status. The
status word is similar to the error word, with each of its 32 bits indicating a condition.
8.4.4 Receiver Status Code
The receiver status word is included in the header of all logs. It has 32 bits, which indicate certain receiver
conditions. If any of these conditions occur, a bit in the status word is set.
8.4.5 Auxiliary Status Codes
The auxiliary status codes are only seen in the RXSECSTATUS log. The two bits representing the auxiliary
status codes give indication about the receiver state for information only. The bits typically do not cause
degradation of the receiver performance. Bit 31 and bit 32 of the receiver status word corresponds to the
auxiliary 1 and auxiliary 2 status words respectively.
See the RXSECSTATUS log on Page 91 for a more detailed descriptions of this log.