Commands Chapter 5
EuroPak-15a Receiver User Manual Rev 5 59
5.3.10 LOG Request Logs from Receiver
Many different types of data can be logged using several different methods of triggering the log events. See
Chapter 6, Data Logs starting on Page 70 for further information and a complete list of data log structures.
The hold parameter, which is only valid when the ONTIME trigger is being used, will prevent a log from being
removed when the UNLOGALL command is issued. To remove a log which was invoked using the hold
parameter requires the specific use of the UNLOG command.
The period and offset parameters are only valid when the ONTIME trigger is being used as well. For example,
to log data at 1 second after every minute you would set the period to 60 and the offset to 1.
Maximum flexibility for logging data is provided to you by these logs. You are cautioned, however, to
recognize that each log requested requires additional CPU time and memory buffer space. Too many logs
may result in lost data and degraded CPU performance. Receiver overload can be monitored using the
Buffer Over-run bits of the Receiver Status word in any log header.
Syntax: Message ID: 1
Field Field
Valid Values Description Format Binary
Bytes Binary
ASCII Binary
1header This field contains the Abbreviated ASCII command name. See Section 4.1 on
Page 31.H 0
2port See Table10 on Page 39.Serial port at which to
output the log data. Enum 4 H
Any valid message
name, with a suffix to
specify the output format
as explained in Section
4.2.3 on Page 35.
Any valid
message ID Log to output UShort 2H+4
type This field is only present in Binary format.
See Section 10 on Page 39.Message type of log. Char 1H+6
5Reserved field required for Binary format only. Set to 0 when entering the
command in Binary.Char 1H+7
6trigger See Table27 on Page 60.Trigger, or condition,
to generate log on. Enum 4H+8
7period Any positive double value. Log period for
ONTIME trigger in
seconds Double 8H+12
8offset Any positive double value smaller than
the value specified in the period field. Offset for ONTIME
trigger in seconds. Double 8H+20
9hold See Table28 on Page 60.
Flag for whether or
not the log is removed
command. Valid for
ONTIME trigger only.
Enum 4H+28