44 EuroPak-15a Receiver User Manual Rev 5
Chapter 5 Commands
5.2 Command Summary
Table 14: Command Summary
Command Name Message
ID Description Syntax
AGCMODE 229 Control Automatic Gain Control (AGC) agcmode frequency mode
[pulsewidth loadvalue]
ASSIGN 27 Assign individual satellite channel to a PRN assign channel [state] [prn
[Doppler window]]
CHANCONFIG 501 Set receiver channel tracking configuration chanconfig config
CLOCKADJUST 15 Enable clock adjustments clockadjust switch
COM 4Serial port configuration control com [port] bps [parity
[databits [stopbits
[handshake [echo [break]]]]]]
ECUTOFF 50 Set satellite elevation cutoffs ecutoff angle
EXTERNALCLOCK 230 Set external clock parameters externalclock clocktype
[freq] [h0 [h1 [h2]]]
FIX 44 Fix height, position or velocity fix type [lat lon height]
FRESET 20 Clear data stored in non-volatile memory.
Followed by a receiver reset. freset
LOG 1Request logs from receiver log [port] message [trigger]
[period [offset] [hold]]
POSITIONTYPE 836 Set position filter to GPS L1 or L5
frequency positiontype frequency
PULSEBLANKING 519 Enables or disables digital pulse blanking
for L1 or L5 signals. pulseblanking frequency
RESET 18 Perform a hardware reset reset [delay]
SDLLBW 800 Configure receiver’s DLL filter bandwidth sdllbw dsigchan bw
SPLLBW 801 Configure receiver’s phase-lock-loop bw spllbw psigchan bw
STHRESHOLD 803 Control signal thresholds for acquisition,
tracking and cross correlation sthreshold sigchan acqui
lock crosscorr
UNASSIGN 29 Unassign a previously ASSIGNed channel unassign channel
UNLOG 36 Remove log from logging control unlog [port] datatype
UNLOGALL 38 Remove all logs from logging control unlogall [port]