Installation Chapter 2
EuroPak-15a Receiver User Manual Rev 5 25
Figure 3: Typical Receiver Installation
Reference Description
1 Receiver
2 Antenna or Signal Generator
3RF Cable
412V Power Cable
5 12V Power Cable with Optional AC Adapter or Aircraft Power Conditioner
6 Null Modem Data Cable
7 Data Communications Equipment
2.2.1 Mounting the Antenna or Signal Generator
When installing an antenna or signal generator system:
• Mount the antenna on a secure, stable structure capable of safe operation in the specific
Also, if mounting an antenna:
• Choose an antenna location that has a clear view of the sky so that each satellite above the horizon
can be tracked without obstruction
2.2.2 Connecting the Antenna or Signal Generator to the Receiver
Connect the antenna or signal generator to the receiver using high-quality coaxial cable, as discussed in Section
2.1.2 on Page 23.
The EuroPak-15a provides a TNC female connector, which can be connected to the antenna or signal generator
directly with any of NovAtel’s coaxial cables.