Workingon You r Desktop
For example, to enter “28K” say “tw enty eigh t” and then
“Pres s Cap K” (or “P ress Cap K f or Karen” ).
Pressing numbers
You can press numbers (0 to 9) by saying “Pr ess” and then the
number. For example, say “Pr ess 8.”
Pressing key combinations
When you’re pressing keys, you can press any combination of
the modifier keys (SHIFT ,CTRL, and A LT) at the same time as
another key, such as a letter. For example, you can say:
n“Pres s Contro l Z” (undoes last action)
n“Pres s Alt F” (opens File menu)
n“Pres s Shift T ab” (moves backward through dialog box
Dragon ignores the command “Press Control Alt Delete” (the
keyboard shortcut for restarting a computer).