Correcting with your own user files
You should use this correction technique if you regularly correct
another person’s text by voice and it is not important to
maximize the author’s recognition accuracy.
When you use your own user files to correct someone else’s text,
you can correct the dictation just as you would correct your
own dictation, using any combination of voice commands and
keyboard typing. Even though you are correcting someone else’s
dictation, your work won’t reduce recognition accuracy for
either you or the person who dictated the text. But your
corrections to the other person’s dictation won’t improve his or
her recognition either.
Correcting with the document author’s user files
You should use this correction technique if you do not need to
correct by voice and it is important to maximize the author’s
recognition accuracy.
This technique works if all work is done on a single computer.
Consult your Dragon reseller about ways to dictate on one computer
and correct on another.
If you correct dictation using the author’s user files, you must
not correct by voice, or you may reduce that person’s
recognition accuracy. You can, however, improve the author’s
recognition accuracy if you make corrections by using the
keyboard and mouse with the Correction menu, as in the
following procedure.

To correct using someone else’s user files:

1Make sure you are not wearing the microphone headset, or
that the microphone is not turned on or plugged in. This
action ensures that you don’t accidentally reduce the
accuracy of someone else’s user files by using your voice.
2Be sure the DragonPad Extras toolbar is displayed so you can
see the playback command buttons.
3Open the user files of the person whose text you will correct.
4In DragonPad, open the document to correct.