Workingon You r Desktop
58Pressing keyboard keys
You can activate Windows®menus and controls by pressing
keys. With Dragon you can “press” any key on your keyboard
by voice. You can press letters, numbers, modifier keys (SHI FT,
CTRL, and A LT), and so on.
You can say “Pres s,” “Pre ss Key,” or Type” —all three voice
commands work the same way.
“Scratch That” will not erase keystrokes dictated with the Press
Key commands. You must select the text by voice or mouse and delete it
or say “Press Delete.”

Pressing letters

You can press any letter on your keyboard by saying “Pr ess”
and then the letter. When you’re pressing letters, you must say
“Pres s” before each one. For example, to enter “txt,” say
“Pres s t,” “Pres s x,” “Pre ss t,” pausing between letters.
You can also spell words using Spell mode. See Switching
recognition modes on page 119 for more information.
For similar-sounding letters (such as B, D, and V), you can use
the International Communications Alphabet to spell the letter
keys, for example, “Pre ss alpha ” or“ Press br avo” or say
“Pres s d as in Davi d” or “Pres s d for Da vid,” and so on) as if
you were spelling to another person over the phone.
Press a
any let ter a–z or an y interna tional
alpha bet word a lpha thro ugh zulu
a as in Albert/Alice/alpha
b as in Bill/Buffalo/bravo
c as in Cathy/Carl/Charlie
d as in David/daughter/delta
e as in Edgar/enter/echo