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Training a new user profile
Immediately after you create your profile, before you begin
dictating, you train Dragon to understand your voice.
Performing training either during or after creating a user profile
enhances your recognition accuracy. In initial training you read
aloud for several minutes from one of the available texts.
For information on training a mobile user, see the online help.
If you skipped training earlier to open a user profile, from the
DragonBar menu, select Pro file >Op en User P rofil e andselect
your name in the list; then click Open to proceed. Since you have
not completed training, options for Tr aining appear.

To train a new user:

1When the Read t ext aloud t o train Dra gon page of the
wizard appears, choose from these training options:
nShow text with prompting
nShow text without prompting
nSkip training (not recommended)
2In the Read T rainin g Text page of the wizard, click Go.
3If you chose the first training option (Show t ext with
promp ting):
nA yellow arrow showing you where to start reading
nClick Go and begin reading the text. To take breaks while
you’re training the program, click Pause.
To advance through the first two screens, you must say the
sentences without pausing. For the rest of the screens, it’s okay to pause
in the middle of a sentence.
nWhen the words change color, it means the computer has
heard and recognized them.