Installation and User ProfileCreation
his chapter presents how to install and set up Dragon, and
then how to train Dragon to understand your voice.
The installation process checks to make sure your system meets
the minimum system requirements needed for Dragon. These
system requirements are listed in the information that came with
your copy of Dragon.
If your system does not meet these requirements, Dragon will
not be installed.

Multiple users on one computer

Dragon is licensed on a “per individual” basis. You are
permitted to install the software on more than one computer
(such as on a desktop and a laptop computer, or on a work and a
home computer), but you cannot use the software concurrently
on more than one computer. You are permitted to create
multiple voice profiles, so long as each voice profile is for you. If
someone else wants to create a voice profile, that person must
purchase a separate Dragon license.
Volume license agreements are available.

Plugging in the microphone

To use Dragon, you will need to plug in your microphone.
If you are not sure how to plug in your microphone, consult the
documentation that came with your microphone.
If you already have speakers for your computer, you can also
use these to playback recorded speech instead of your headphones.