For complete lists of special characters, see the online Help.
Switching recognition modes
Dragon lets you use different recognition modes in your
dictation. Dragon uses normal mode by default. In normal mode,
the program distinguishes between words, numbers, and
In addition to normal mode, there are other modes:
nNumbers mode—The software recognizes only numbers,
commands, and punctuation. If you are dictating only
numbers (including currencies), working in this mode
increases recognition accuracy.
nSpell mode—The software recognizes only letters, numbers,
commands, and punctuation. In Spell mode, Dragon allows
you to say any combination of letters, digits, or symbols you
might need dictate part numbers or license plate numbers.
You can also say keystrokes such as space bar or backspace
key. Spell mode is also useful for dictating internet or Web
nCommand mode—The software interprets everything you say
as a command and nothing is interpreted as dictated text.
nDictation mode—The software interprets everything you say
as dictation and nothing is interpreted as a command, except
for a few commands such as “Ne w Line” and “N ew
Parag raph.
:-) smiley face
:-( frowny face
;-) winky face