NVIDIA Quadro G-Sync II User Guide
nvidia-settings -a [gpu:3]/FrameLockEnable=0
2.Query the enabled displays on the Quadros.
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/EnabledDisplays
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:1]/EnabledDisplays
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:2]/EnabledDisplays
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:3]/EnabledDisplays
3.Verify that the refresh rate is the same for all displays.
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/RefreshRate
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:1]/RefreshRate
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:2]/RefreshRate
nvidia-settings -q [gpu:3]/RefreshRate
4.Make sure the display device we want as master is masterable.
nvidia-settings -q myserver:0[gpu:0]/ FrameLockMasterable
5.Set the master display device (CRT-0).
nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockMaster=0x00000001
6.Disable the house sync signal on the master device.
nvidia-settings -a [framelock:0]/ FrameLockUseHouseSync=1
7.Set the slave display devices.
nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000002
nvidia-settings -a [gpu:1]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000003
#CRT-0 and CRT-1
nvidia-settings -a [gpu:2]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000003
#CRT-0 and CRT-1
nvidia-settings -a [gpu:3]/FrameLockSlaves=0x00000003
#CRT-0 and CRT-1
8.Enable frame lock on the master Quadro.