Displays associated with oxygen and the O2 Bar Graph will be displayed if FO2 has been set at a value other than 'Air' (e.g., a numerical value) and the Alternate screen that displays oxygen related data is accessed.

When the oxygen data screen is accessed during a NORM dive, the Bar Graph will show the maximum of either per dive accumulated oxygen or 24 hour period accumulated oxygen.

As your oxygen exposure (accumulation) increases during a NORM dive, segments will add to the O2 Bar Graph, and as saturation decreases, it will begin to recede, indicating that additional exposure is allowed for that dive and 24 hour period.

The GEO will store oxygen accumulation calculations for up to 10 dives conducted during a 24 hour period. If the maximum limit for NORM dive oxygen loading has been exceeded for that day (24 hour period), all of the segments of the O2 Bar Graph will be displayed flashing (Fig. 25).

Depth/Time values will not appear in Plan Mode until the O2 Bar Graph recedes into the normal zone (4 segments) indicating that your daily oxygen dosage has decreased an amount equivalent to the amount accumulated during the latest dive completed.

Fig. 25 - O2 EX-