Fig. 107 - FREE DIVE
•Pressing/releasing the S button momentarily and repeatedly (< 2 seconds each time) will step through the Set Points from 50 to 330 FT (12 to 100 M) in increments of 10 FT (1 M) at a rate of 1 Set Point per press of the button.
•Pressing and holding the S button will scroll through the Set Points at a rate of 4 Set Points per second until released.
•Pressing the A button momentarily (< 2 sec) will accept the Depth Setting and the display will revert the FREE SURF MAIN screen.
•Depressing the M button for 2 seconds, or if no button is pressed during a period of 2 minutes, the display will revert the FREE SURF MAIN screen.
FREE DIVE MAIN DISPLAY (Default), information provided includes (Fig. 135) -
>TLBG, if any Nitrogen is remaining from previous NORM or FREE Dives conducted within the previous 24 hours.
>Graphic FREE
>Current Depth with FT (or M) icon.
>No Deco Dive Time remaining (hr:min) with TIME and NDC icons.
>Elapsed Dive Time (min:sec) with DIVE and TIME icons.
•Press/release the A button momentarily (< 2 seconds) to access the FREE CDT (Count Down Timer) STATUS screen.
•Press the L button to activate the Backlight.