Chapter 4 Software Development
page 4-9
Device release number in binary coded decimal
Index numbers for string descriptors describing manufacturer, product, and device serial
Number of possible configurations
(2) Configuration descriptor
Total size of this descriptor in bytes
Number of interfaces supported by this configuration
Unique number for this configuration
Index number for string descriptor describing this configuration
Configuration power supply attributes
Remote wake-up support
Maximum power consumption when using bus power supply
(3) Interface descriptor
Total size of this descriptor in bytes
Number of interface
Number of endpoints used by this interface
Class code
Subclass code
Protocol code
Index number for string descriptor describing this interface
(4) Endpoint descriptor Total size of this descriptor in bytes
Data flow direction (IN or OUT)
Data flow type (control, bulk, interrupt, or isochronous)
Maximum packet size (payload) for this endpoint
Interval for polling this endpoint for interrupt transfers
(5) String descriptor
Total size of this descriptor in bytes
Unicode encoded string