Chapter 4 Software Development
page 4-31
4-5-4. Standard I/O Examples
This Section presents examples actually using this standard I/O.
For further details on the printf_c(), puts(), and gets() library functions used, refer to the RTL665S
Run-Time Library Reference.
(1) Using standard output and write()
Section 2-3. "Running User Programs" gives one example of a program that writes to standard
output. The following is another.
For further details on the printf_c() and puts() library functions used, refer to the RTL665S
Run-Time Library Reference.

Sample Program Using Standard Output

/* Read/Write sample program 1 */
/* Filename:rw_smpl1.c */
/* Copyright(C) 1999 TECHNOCOLLAGE,Inc. All right reserved. */
void main(void)
{int day;
char *d_name[] = {
"Sunday : Sunday",
"Monday : Monday",
"Tuesday : Tuesday",
"Wednesday : Wednesday",
"Thursday : Thursday",
"Friday : Friday",
"Saturday : Saturday"};
/* Initialize MSM66Q573 */
S0BUF = 0x0A;
/* Main display loop */
{puts(d_name[day]); /* Send string to standard output */
(2) Using standard input and read()
The following source codes is an example of a program that reads from standard input.
For further details on the printf_c() and gets() library functions used, refer to the RTL665S Run-
Time Library Reference.