Effects of zoom and its advantages
A zoom is a lens with a focal length that changes when part of lens moves. In the case of the
35 mm Wide
Because the peripheral angle of view is wide and the depth of field is greater, sharp photographs with clear perspective and contrast can be obtained.
70 mm
With 70 mm zooming, subjects appear close
100 mm or more
When the lens is set to the maximum focal length of 135 mm, magnification is approximately four
times greater than at 35 mm, enabling you to obtain genuine telephoto photographs. As you
increase the telephoto effect, perspective becomes narrow, and depth of field becomes more shallow. That means that objects in front of and behind your subject are more likely to be out of focus. This can have an interesting effect on snapshots and portraits.
Maximum telephoto lengths are particularly useful for taking pictures at sporting events and for nature photography when you want to get closer to your subject.
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