5-5SectionR: Routing Table
W: Computer PC/Board is used to write the routing tables from the computer
memory to a node.
Caution Once routing tables are transferred to a PC, all CPU Bus Units at the node (ex-
cept SYSMAC BUS/2 Master Units) will be reset. Before transferring the routing
tables, always make sure that the equipment will not be affected.
Note 1) If routing tables are written to a node, the existing routing tables set at the
node will be lost. In this case, a confirmation message for overwriting will not
be displayed even if routing tables have already been set at the node.
Therefore, carefully check the contents of the routing tables set at the node
before transferring routing tables.
2) When writing routing tables for the first time, perform the following proce-
a) Connect the Controller Link Support Software to nodes with only one
Communications Unit or Board that reside on the network for which the
routing tables are to be set.
b) Specify 0 as the network address of the target network.
c) Write the routing tables to each node on the network.
d) If the routing tables are to be written to another network, connect the
Controller Link Support Software to a node on that network.
Select W: Computer PC/Board from the Transfer Routing Table Menu. Rout-
ing table write processing will start.
If the routing table write terminates normally, the following window will be dis-
Note For C200HX/HG/HE or CQM1H Controller Link Units, the Routing Table Enable
Bit in the DM Parameter Area must be set to ON (enabled). If the Routing Table
Enable Bit is set to OFF (disabled), routing tables cannot be written to the node.
Refer to the Controller Link Units Operation Manual (W309) for details.
V: Compare is used to compare the routing tables in the computer memory with
the routing tables at the specified node.
1, 2, 3... 1. Select V: Compare from the Transfer Routing Table Menu. Routing table
comparison will start.
During comparison, Wait will be displayed in the window.
Writing Routing Tables to
Nodes W: Computer
Comparing Routing
Tables V: Compare