Error message Action to be takenCause
No CLK board/driver A Controller Link Support Board is not
installed in the computer or the driver is
not set correctly.
Install a Controller Link Support Board or
set the driver correctly, then start again.
No DataLink table – can’t run Cannot be executed because the data
link table has not been registered. Register the data link table.
No drive No floppy disk, memory card, or hard
disk exists in the specified drive. Insert a floppy disk or memory card into
the specified drive or check the specified
drive name.
No part of DataLink The specified node is not participating in
the data links. Check all nodes that are participating in
the data links.
No polling node – can’t run Cannot be executed because the
specified node is not a polling node. Check the node on the network.
No print data The specified data cannot be processed. Specify the correct data.
No space The file cannot be saved because of
insufficient free space on the data disk,
memory card, or hard disk.
Delete unnecessary files from the data
disk, memory card, or hard disk or use a
new data disk or memory card.
No such data The specified search data does not exist. Enter the correct search data.
No such PC ID The specified PC ID does not exist. Check the specified PC ID and specify
the correct PC ID.
Check the specified PC ID and the PC ID
registered in the computer.
No unit The specified unit does not exist. Check the I/O configuration and the
network configuration.
No write area – can’t write The write area (transmission area) for
the local node does not exist. Check the data link tables set for the
local node.
Not in DataLink – can’t monitor The data link table has not been set or
the local node is not participating in the
data links.
Check the data link table set for the local
Not in DataLink – can’t write The data link table has not been set or
the local node is not participating in the
data links.
Check the data link table set for the local
Not in network The specified node is not participating in
the network. Check all nodes on the network.
Not initialized The floppy disk or memory card has not
been formatted. Files cannot be saved
on unformatted floppy disks or memory
Format the floppy disk or memory card
before saving the files.
Out of range The specified word address is above the
maximum limit. Specify a word address within the
allowable range.
Parameter err The specified parameter is incorrect. Specify the correct parameter.
Printer err The Controller Link Support Software is
not correctly connected to the printer.
The printer is not in ready status.
Press the Escape Key first, then check
whether the cable between the Controller
Link Support Software and the printer is
correctly connected.
Check whether the printer is in ready
The printer or printer cable is faulty. Check the printer and printer cable.
Receive time-out A receive timeout error has occurred. Increase the maximum node response
time and then execute again.
Relay err Netwk(???) Node (???) An error has occurred in the PC for
relaying between networks. Check the PC for relaying between
Response time out A timeout error has occurred because a
response to the communications
command was not received from the
destination unit.
Check the destination unit.
Routing table error The routing tables are set incorrectly. Check the routing tables.