Appendix BUsing Modems
This section describes how to use modems to connect the Controller Link Support Software to a remote PC via
telephone lines.
This section describes restrictions on communication methods, modem conditions, system configurations, and
setup procedures.
Conditions for Online Connection via Modems
Online connection via modems is possible only when the following PCs and communications methods are used.
Restrictions on Methods of Communications with PCs
The following are the PCs and communications methods that can be used for online connection via modems.
•Connection to the built-in Host Link port on a C200HX/HG/HE(-ZE), CV-series, CS1-series, or CQM1H PC.
•Connection to the peripheral port on a C200HX/HG/HE(-ZE) or CS1-series PC.
•Connection to a Host Link Unit (CV500-LK201) installed in a CVM1 or CV-series PC.
•Connection in Host Link mode to a Serial Communications Board (CS1W-SCB21/41) or Serial Communications
Unit (CS1W-SCU21) installed in a CS1-series PC.
Modem Conditions
The modems in which the following items can be specified are required to allow online connection.
Item Setting details
Baud rate 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, or 19,200 bps
Data bit length 7 bits
Parity Even
Stop bits 1 bit
Data error correction and data
compression Data error correction enabled and data
compression disabled.
MNP class 4, or V.42, etc.
Flow control Disabled (CS/RS control disabled and Xon/Xoff
control disabled)
Automatic reception Enabled (at PC)
ER signal Always ON
Fixed terminal line speed mode Disabled
Abort timer Set to 10 minutes (example value)
System Configuration
Online connection via modems allows the Controller Link Support Software to connect to PCs on the Controller
Link Network as shown below.