3. Specify the new values for the network parameters. Use the Cursor Keys to
move the cursor to the desired field, then enter a value with Numeric Keys.
Press the Enter Key to register a new value and move the cursor to the next
Item Meaning
Maximum node
(Max node address)
Maximum node address of nodes that are checked by the
network polling node. Any node with a node address greater
than this setting will not participate in the network.
Unnecessary polling (connection checking) can be avoided
by setting the maximum node address of the nodes to be
The setting range is between 2 and 62.
The default is 62.
Number of
Event-frames per
(# of Event-frames
per comm cycle)
Maximum amount of event data (such as message service
data) that can be transmitted during a communications cycle
Increasing the value also increases the communications
cycle time.
Too small a value results in frequent transmission timeout
The setting range is between 16 and 238.
The default is 35.
Number of Polled
nodes per
(# of Polled nodes
per comm cycle)
Maximum number of nodes for which communications
status can be checked by the network polling node during a
communication cycle
Increasing the value also increases the communications
cycle time but provides quicker response to nodes
participating in or leaving the network.
The setting range is between 1 and 61.
The default is 4.
Press the F7 (Initialize) Key to set each item to its default.
Note If the Controller Link Network consists of Units other than Optical
Ring Controller Link Units, do not set node addresses higher than 32.
(Node addresses higher than 32 can only be set for Controller Link
Networks that consist of only Optical Ring Controller Link Units.)
4. Press the F6 (Execute) Key. A confirmation message will be displayed at the
bottom of the window.
5. Press “Y” and then the Enter Key. The network parameter settings will be
To cancel the processing, press “N” and then the Enter Key.