5-14SectionI: System Setup
The setting items in “PC interface” are shown in the following tableSetting Description Peripheral Host Link
C: PC interface Select the method of communications with the PC. The
communications parameters to be used differ according to the selected
communications method.
Peripheral Bus
If the Controller Link Support Software is to be connected to the
peripheral port on the CPU Unit, select “Peripheral.” Peripheral port
communications parameters can be specified for C200HX/HG/HE,
CQM1H PCs. When the Controller Link Support Software is connected
to the peripheral port, always select the standard settings.
Host Link
If the Controller Link Support Software is to be connected to the
RS-232C or RS-422A port on the CPU Unit or a Host Link Unit, select
“Host Link.”
– –
Destination PC Specify the PC to be connected to the Controller Link Support
C-series PCs
If the Controller Link Support Software is to be connected to a
C200HX/HG/HE, CQM1H PC, select “C series,” and then select either
operating level 0 or operating level 1. Set the same operating level as
the Controller Link Unit installed in the PC. Be sure to select operating
level 0 if it is to be connected to a CQM1H PC.
CV-series PCs
If the Controller Link Support Software is to be connected to a
CV-series PC, select “CVM1/CV series.”
CS1 Series
If the Controller Link Support Software is to be connected to a CS1 PC,
select “CS1 series.”
Set Set
port Select the RS-232C port to be used (COM1 to COM4). Set Set
Baud rate Select the baud rate to be used for communications with the PC.
Set the same baud rate as the setting at the PC.
If the Controller Link Support Software is to be connected to a CVM1
or CV-series PC, set a baud rate of at least 4,800 bps, and if it is to be
connected to a CS1-series PC, set a baud rate of at least 9,600 bps.
Set Set
Unit No. Specify the Host Link Unit number of the remote node.
The unit number is used to identify the Host Link Unit when multiple
Host Link Units are connected to the Controller Link Support Software.
If the Controller Link Support Software is connected to a Host Link Unit
on the one-to-one basis, “00” can be specified. If the Host Link Unit
number of the remote node is not 00, specify the same Unit number as
that of the remote node.
Not set Set
Parity Select the parity check method to be used for communications data
error detection.
Specify the same parity check method as that set at the PC.
Not set Set
Data length Select the bit length of communications data.
Specify the same data length as that set at the PC.
Not set Set
Stop bits Select the stop bit length to be used to identify data boundaries.
Specify the same stop bit length as that set at the PC.
Not set Set