5-3SectionL: Data Link
63Error MessagesThe following table lists the error messages that are displayed on the check re-
sults screen. After confirming the check results, use “E: Edit table” to correct the
data link tables, then check the data link tables again.
Message Meaning Action
Insufficient Status
area There are too few words in
the data area for the data link
Change the first status word
so that data link status (16
words) can be stored in the
Table Data error The first status word is
outside the allowable range.
(see note)
The link start word address of
area 1 is outside the
allowable range. (see note)
The number of registered
nodes exceeds 62.
The node address is 0 or
more than 62.
There is a node for which the
send area or receive area for
one node exceeds 1,000
An offset exceeds 999.
An offset for the send area of
the local node is not 0.
Correct the values within the
allowable range as shown in
the table on page 55.
Duplicate Node
address The same node address is
set more than once in the
data link table.
Correct the duplicate node
Link word number
over There is a node for which the
total number of words in the
send areas of areas 1 and 2
exceeds 1,000.
Change the total number of
words in the send areas of
areas 1 and 2 to 1,000 or
Too many words in
data link The total number of words in
the data link areas of areas 1
and 2 exceeds the maximum
allowable number of words for
the following PCs.
CS1-series PCs: 12,000
C200HX/HG/HE PCs: 8,000
CQM1H PCs: 8,000 words
CVM1 and CV-series PCs:
8,000 words
IBM PC/AT: 32,000 words
Reduce the total number of
words in the data link areas of
areas 1 and 2 to the
maximum allowable number
of words for the following PCs
or less.
CS1-series PCs: 12,000
C200HX/HG/HE PCs: 8,000
CVM1 and CV-series PCs:
8,000 words
IBM PC/AT: 32,000 words
Link area overlap
error The same data area is
specified for areas 1 and 2.
The data link status words
overlap with a data link area.
Change the link start and first
status word of areas 1 and 2
so that the data link area and
the data link status words do
not overlap each other.
Insufficient Link
(Area 1/ Area 2)
There are not enough words
for the data link area. Correct the data link area
within the allowable range.
Link word number
0 error The total number of link
words for one node is set to
Set the number of link words
for area 1 or 2.