5-12SectionK: Connection Information
2. Specify the target network. Enter a numeric value with Numeric Keys.
Item Meaning
Network address Enter the network address.
The setting range is between 0 and 127.
Network address 0 represents the local
network (the address of the network
containing the node to which the
Controller Link Support Software is
connected). (see note)
For CS1-series and CV-series PCs with
multiple Communications Units, specify
the network address explicitly.
Note For CV-series CPU Units manufactured before April 1996 (lot No.:
jj46), always set routing tables. Specify in “Network address” the
value (other than 0) specified in the routing tables. Refer to the Con-
troller Link Units Operation Manual (W309) for details.
The Network Configuration Screen can be closed by pressing the F10 (End)
3. Press the F6 (Execute) Key. The connection information will be read from
the specified network and displayed on the screen.
While information is being read from a node, the node number is displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
Reading of connection information can be stopped by pressing the F10 (End)
If the nodes are displayed in connection order, the first node can be specified by
moving the cursor to “Nd# order” at the top of the screen and inputting a node
address. (This node will then become the “base node.”)