5-5SectionR: Routing Table
5-5-2 Setting Routing TablesCreate and transfer routing tables for each node according to the following set-
ting procedures.
1, 2, 3... 1. “Edit” on page 88.
2. “Check” on page 91.
3. “Save” on page 93.
4. “Computer → PC/Board” under “Transfer” on page 96.
Caution Once routing tables are transferred to a PC, all CPU Bus Units at the node (ex-
cept SYSMAC BUS/2 Master Units) will be reset. Before transferring the routing
tables, always make sure that the equipment will not be affected.
Note 1) If routing tables have already been saved or transferred, the following pro-
cedures can be used to read the routing tables into the Controller Link Sup-
port Software and edit them again.
“Retrieve” on page 94.
“PC/Board → Computer” under “Transfer” on page 95.
2) The Controller Link Support Software can create and transfer routing tables
for all nodes supporting FINS commands, as well as for the Controller Link
Units and Controller Link Support Boards. It cannot create or transfer rout-
ing tables for PCs for which the SYSMAC NET Link Unit is set to C Mode
even if these PCs are CVM1 or CV-series PCs. In this case, connect the
SYSMAC Support Software directly to such nodes and create and transfer
routing tables.
3) The Controller Link Support Software can set a local network table contain-
ing up to 16 entries and a relay network table containing up to 20 entries. For
C200HX/HG/HE PCs, a maximum of two entries can be made in the local
network table.
5-5-3 Communications RangeThe Controller Link Support Software can communicate with nodes on a Con-
troller Link Network via OA networks (Ethernet networks) or FA networks (Con-
troller Link, SYSMAC NET, and SYSMAC LINK networks) to set or monitor the
Controller Link Units and Controller Support Boards at remote nodes.
The Controller Link Support Software can communicate with up to three net-
Running from a Programming Device
The connection to the
PC is not counted as
a network level.
work (2nd network)
Computer running the
Controller Link Support
Controller Link Network
(1st network: local) Controller Link Net-
work (3rd network) Controller Link Net-
work (4th network)
4 Network levels
are not possible
Only CS1-series, CVM1, and CV-series PCs can be used as nodes for relaying
between networks. Install multiple Communications Units on a PC to relay be-
tween networks.
C-series PCs and IBM PC/AT computers cannot be used as relay nodes (but can
be used as source and destination nodes).
Communications Range
Relay Nodes