AV Component Hookup

See the other side of this sheel for the Speaker hookup. (]J

II you have an HDM1-<:ompatible TV and players, you can connect them

to the AV receiver with HOMI cables. Tl1e audio and video signal' received

via the HDMllnpulS are output by the HOMI OUT IS they are (pasS>lhrough). To listen through the speakers connected to ttle AV receiver, please make the audio connections shown below.



If your TV or player doesn'tsupport HOMI, use the analog or digital


connections shown below.






Please ensure the monitor Input

(VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, etc.)

selected corresponds to actual

connection used.

To fUlly enjoy the AV receiver'. listening modes, turn off the

volume on yourTV.

.." Coaxial feed from TV antenna

II you are not using Cable/salelllle bm:,

please refer to the Instruction manual.

.". CoaxIal feed from


TV anlenna


If yOl.l are nol using


Cable/satellite boll,


please refer to the


instruction manual,

Assigning the Digital Input

On the Iront panel

II there'sno sound, YOU'llneed to assign tha

digital Inputs as necessary using tha setup

menus on the AV Receiver'sdisplay,


II you connect your OVO/BO player to the AV


receiver'sCOAXIAL OIGITAL IN, and your


cable/satellite receiver to the OPTICAL 1


DIGITAL tN, as shown, it'snot n.eceasary to


assign the digital input.


Page 74
Image 74
Onkyo S3200 instruction manual AV Component Hookup