Step 4 Viewing and Deleting Pictures
Basic Photography and Playback : Auto Mode
COptions Available in Playback Mode
The following options are available in full-frame playback mode.
CPressing the c Button to Turn on the Camera
When the camera is off, holding down the c button will turn the camera on in playback mode. The
lens will not extend.
CViewing Pictures
Pictures stored in the internal memory can only be viewed if no memory card is inserted.
Pictures that were shot using Face Priority (A112) will be rotated automatically when displayed in
full-frame playback mode according to the orientation of the face.
If the monitor is turned off in standby mode to save power, press the c button or the power
switch to reactivate it (A134).
CDeleting the Last Picture Taken While in Shooting Mode
In shooting mode, press the l button to delete the last picture shot.
DDeleting Multiple Pictures
Choose Delete (A118) from the Playback menu (A115), List by Date menu (A66), Auto sort
menu (A69) or Favorite Pictures menu (A75) to delete multiple pictures.
Option Use Description A
Playback zoom g (i)
Enlarge the view of the picture currently
displayed in the monitor, up to about 10×.
Press the k button to return to full-frame
playback mode.
Thumbnail display/
Calendar display f (h)Display images by 9, 16 or 25 picture
thumbnails or the calendar. 54
Add favorite pictures kAdd the picture currently displayed to favorite
pictures. 72
Change playback mode c
Display the playback-mode selection menu,
and switch to List by Date mode, Auto sort
playback mode or Favorite pictures mode.
67, 70
Switch to shooting
Press the A button or the shutter-release
button to change back to the last chosen
shooting mode.
Erase 1 image?
Ye s