EN |
| The base station provides | |
| wind speed and wind | |
| direction information. | |
| To read the wind direction | |
| find the compass point the | |
| is pointing to. | |
| The timestamp records the date and time when storing | |
| the wind speed readings. | |
| |
| NOTE | Wind sensor optional. |
| To select the wind speed unit: | |
| Press UNIT (at the bottom of the base station) to switch | |
| between: | |
| • Metres per second (m / s) | |
| • Kilometers per hour (kph) | |
| • Miles per hour (mph) | |
| • Knots (knots) |
The wind level is shown by a series of icons:
| N/A | <2 mph (<4km/h) |
| Light | |
| Moderate | |
| Strong | |
| Storm | >55 mph (>88 km/h) |
To display the AVERAGE and GUST wind:
1. Press SELECT to navigate to the Wind Speed and
Wind Direction Area. | will show next to the Area. |
2.Press MODE to toggle between AVERAGE and GUST wind readings.
To display the maximum speed and direction for gust wind:
In the Wind Speed and Wind Direction Area, press
MEMORY / ON/OFF to toggle between wind speed
/MAX GUST wind readings. The timestamp is displayed accordingly in the Clock Area.
To clear the memories and timestamp for the wind readings:
In the Wind Speed and Wind Direction Area, press and hold MEMORY / ON/OFF to clear the readings.
To change the high gust wind speed alarm:
1. In the Wind Speed and Wind Direction Area, press