How to enter names
The number buttons are also inscribed with letters for entering the name. By repeatedly pressing the appropriate button, upper case letters as well as numbers and special characters can be entered.
KEY | 1x | 2x | 3x | 4x | 5x |
1 | Space | 1 |
2ABC | A | B | C | 2 |
3DEF | D | E | F | 3 |
4GHI | G | H | I | 4 |
5JKL | J | K | L | 5 |
6MNO | M | N | O | 6 |
7PQRS | P | Q | R | S | 7 |
8TUV | T | U | V | 8 |
9WXYZ | W | X | Y | Z | 9 |
0 | 0 |
* |
# |
Editing phonebook records
1.During standby mode, press .
2.Press to search for the record that you would like to edit. Or you can use the number keys to jump directly to the record starting with the corresponding letters of that key.
3. Press | to select the record and edit the name. |
4.Press DEL to delete a character / number.
5.Press OK to confirm name change and edit the number.
6.Press OK to confirm number change.
Repeat steps 1 to 6 to edit another record.
Deleting a phonebook record
1.During standby mode, press .
2.Press to search for the record that you would like to delete. Or you can use the number keys to jump directly to the record starting with the corresponding letters of that key.
3.Press OK repeatedly to view the rest of the record information.
4.Press DEL to delete.