How to Use This ‘” “ Manual
Congratulationson purchasinga StarLaserPrinter4. You willbe delighted with both the qualityof the printedimagesand the ease of operation.With your computerand this printer,you can
This OperationsManual is one of two that explore the entire range of printingpossibilitiesof theStarLaserPnnter4.Thismanualis forbeginners and for those who plan to concentrateon the basics. Advancedusers and thoseinterestedin programmingshouldrefer to the ApplicationsManual.
Chapter2 begins with an overviewof the manual and of the Star Laser printer.This chapterexplainshow to unpackyournew printerand prepare itforinitialoperation.Chapter3explainshowtooperatetheprinter’scontrol panel and displayscreen.
Somepeoplelike to skip the preliminaryexplanationsand beginusing the pnnterimmediately.Chapter4providestheinformationforsucha faststart. If you begin with Chapter4, at somelater time you shouldread the rest of the mahualin sequence,for a morecompletepictureof yourprinterand its operations.
Chapter5 explainshowto setup a page,whileChapter6 describesthe type characteristicsthat will enableyou to give your printedpages that profes- sionallook.
TheStarLaserPnnter4 emulatestheoperationof
●HP LaserJetIIP, a laser printer
●Epson FX-850,a dot-matrixprinter