Font Selection
The style of printingthat appeansin your finished work consistsof five elements:
. the symbol/character set — the letters,numbers,and symbolsavail- able for use
●the fonts present in the StarLaserPrinter4— somefontscomeas standardequipmen~while others are availablein cartridgesthat are installedinthecartridgeslotoftheprintec youmayalsopurchasefonts on a diskandloadthemdown(downloading)fmmthecomputerto the Star LaserPrinter4’s RAM (for more informationconsulta software dealer)
●font attributes — consistingof characterspacing,pitch, pint size, style, strokeweigh~and typeface
✎the printer you select to emulate — the Star LaserPrinter4 can emulatetwo widelyavailableprinters,the HewZettPackardL.userJet HP (a laser printer)and Epson
●the capabilities of your applications software.
The StarLaserPrinter4 comesequippedwithtwo familiesof fonts:Courier andLinePrinter.Anyone of themcanbe selectedfromthe controlpanelfor use as the base font in any emulation.