ASCII (as’kee) — a standardizedandcommonlyacceptednumericalcode that representsletters,numbers,and symbols,as well as command sets. ASCII stands for American StandardCodefor Information Interchange.
Baud— a measu~ of the speed at which information is transmitted. The baud rate, which is set for serial transmissions, is approximately the number of characters transmitted per second multiplied by 10.
Byte — a series of 8 bits that representsone character.
Centronics interface — a standardwiringconfigurationfor paralleldata transmission.Centronicsis oftenusedas a synonymfortheparallel standarddevelopedby CentronicsInc.
Character Set — the completeset of charactersavailablein a font.
Data Bits — the numberof bits in a transmittedbytethat actuallycontains data.
EEPROM — Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. It has an internal switch to permit a user to erase the contents and write new contents into it by means of electrical signals.
Emulation — behavinglike somethingelse. The Star LaserPrinter4 can emulate,or behavelike two otherprinters,the Epson
Expansion RAM board— Anavailableoptionthatis easilyattachedto the LaserPrinter4 to expandits RAM to a maximumof 5 MB. Three kinds of memory expansionboard are available:a IMB RAM board, a 2MBRAM board and a 4MB RAMboard.