9.3.5 ManualPaper Feed
Certain emulationspermit specifyingmanual paper feed from the host compuler.Also,youmay selectmanualfeedfmm the menu.The following messagetell youto handfeedpaperof a specificsize.The alarmbeepsand the printer goes Off Line. When you feed the appropriatepaper into the
If there is
off the messageand causesthe printerto feedpaperfromcassetteand then displaysthe messageagain.
A4 t)aperto be handfed | followurocedureabove |
IM-FEEDLETTER ILetter~apertobehandfed Ifollowmcedureabovel
Legal paperto be handfed t%llowproeedureabove
IExec. Paperto behandfed Ifollowprocedureabove
IB5 paperto be handfed | Ifollowprocedureabove |
Monarchpapertobe handfed follow procedure above
IDLsizepapertobe handfed Ifollowprocedureabovel
IC5papertobe handfed Ifollowprocedureabove