Certain problems with communicationwith the host computer may be detected.Messageslisted below provideinformation,but do not halt the printing process. The printer uses a defaultvalue if necessary.You may removethe messageby pressing [ERROR SKIP]. Note that if them are multipleerrors, the last one detectedis displayed.
9.4.1 Host Communicationproblem
MessageMeaning, ActionlStWus
LINEERROR parityerrorinhostdata followprocedureabove I
INPUT OVERFLOW inputbufferoverflow followprocedureabove
BAD FONT DATA downloadedfontbad downloadedfont ignored
BAD FONT CODE downloadedfontinerror downloadedfont ignored
BAD CHAR CODE loadedcharacteroutside downloadedfont ignored
9.4.2 Functionor Size Incompatibility
There are problemsthat occurwhenthe host computerrequestsa function
provided |
| sheet |
not | or a functionthat requiresmore memorythan is available. | ||
Message |
| Meanirw | I Status |
PAGE OVERFLOW | page buffer memory | partial page currently | |
| overflow | composedis printed and |
| ejected; remaining data |
| forpageis printedon next |
| insufficient memory to font rotation aborted: | |
| rotatefont | printingcontinues using |
| closestavailablefont |
CANNOT DOWNLOAI | insufficient memory to | fontdownloadis aborted; | |
| downloadfont | printing continues using |
| closestavailablefont |
| receivedcharacternotin | blankspaceis printedfor |
| currentlyselectedfont | that character |