Statement of

The Canadian Department of Communications

Radio Interference Regulations

%%Y%%’Lohterferenesratu.& ClassB linsitsfor radionoiaeenrissicxtsfromdigitalapparatus

Regulationsof the CanadianDepartmentof brnsttuoicatiom.

Le pn%rstappascilnunk%iquen’&rtenpas de bruitssadiofrlectriquesdLpassantles lintites applicable reds nusm%iquesde la classe B ~rescritesdam le Rk-glementsurle brouillageradid.lextsique

&tt‘F( pas Ie Ministkre.des Gartrrtunieatmnsdu Canada.

The above statemeti applies only to printers marketed in Canada.

Trademark Acknowledgements

LaaeA%inter4: StarMiemnics Co., Ltd.

FXJ350: Seiko EpsemCorporation

HP LaserJet 11P:HewlestPackardCompany

IBM PC/XT, IBM Proprinter: IrrtematicnalBusiness MachinesCorporation

Lotus 1-2-3: Lotus DevelopmentCorporation

Microsoft Wor~ MIcroauftWindows: MicrosoftCorporation

PageMaker: Aldus Corporation

WordPerfect: WordPesfa& Irte.


All rights reserved. ReproductionCJany partof this manual in any form whatsoeverwihout STAR’s expresspermissionis forbidden.

lle contentsof this manualare subjectto change withoutnotice.

. All effortshave &m made to ensme the accuracyof the eotrtentsoftfris manusdat the time of press. However,should any errorsbe detected,STAR would greatlyappreciatebeing informed of them.

llte above notwithstanding,STAR can assumeno rqrorrsibilityfor any errorsin this manual. @Cepyright 1990 Starh’fiCSOniCS co., Ltd.

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Star Micronics LaserPrinter4 manual Above statemeti applies only to printers marketed in Canada