●Do not stem the cartridgewhereit will be exposedto directsunlight.
●Storethecartridgewiththelablefacingup. Donotturnit upsidedownor sttid it on end.
●Stem the cartridgeat a temperate of betweenO“Cand 35°C(32°Fand 95”F).
. Do not storethe cartridgein saltyair, or wherethere are corrosivegases such as ammonia.
●Keep the cartridgeaway from CRTs,disk drivesand floppydisks.The magnetin the cartridgecan adverselyaffectthem.
●Alwayskeep the cartridgeaway from children.
●Be sure to use the cartridgebeforeits expirationdate. Otherwise,print qualitywill be affected. -
When handling the
●Do not touch the bottomof the cartridgewhenhandlingthe cartridge.
●Donotopenthe drumprotectiveshutter.Ifitisopened, printqualitymay be affected.
Transpanmcyfilmsmay sometimesshowstainproblemat eitherthe top or bottom,oftheftis. Thisproblemmaybe causedby a dirtypaperpathorthe flaw on the
Firstprinta sheetof“CLEANINGPAPER”on letter,A4,or legalsizepaper accordingto the followingprocedure(see “3.2.1PrintingTest Sheets”).
1)Hold the [TEST] buttonuntilthe screen displays“HOLDFOR TEST” then “STATUSSHEET”.
2)Press the [TEST] button “twice” within one second after “STATUS SHEET”is displayed.The screendisplays“CLEANINGPAPER”.