Do not stem the cartridgewhereit will be exposedto directsunlight.

Storethecartridgewiththelablefacingup. Donotturnit upsidedownor sttid it on end.

Stem the cartridgeat a temperate of betweenO“Cand 35°C(32°Fand 95”F).

. Do not storethe cartridgein saltyair, or wherethere are corrosivegases such as ammonia.

Keep the cartridgeaway from CRTs,disk drivesand floppydisks.The magnetin the cartridgecan adverselyaffectthem.

Alwayskeep the cartridgeaway from children.

Be sure to use the cartridgebeforeits expirationdate. Otherwise,print qualitywill be affected. -

When handling the EP-L cartridge, also pay attentionto the following points,in additionto the above.

Do not touch the bottomof the cartridgewhenhandlingthe cartridge.

Donotopenthe drumprotectiveshutter.Ifitisopened, printqualitymay be affected.


Transpanmcyfilmsmay sometimesshowstainproblemat eitherthe top or bottom,oftheftis. Thisproblemmaybe causedby a dirtypaperpathorthe flaw on the EP-L cartridge.In this case, clean the fixing assembly,and replace the EP-L cartridge if necessary. Regular cleaning of the fixing assemblywill reducethe possibilityof paperjam and willprolongthe life of the printer.The fixingassemblycan be cleanedusing cleaningpaper.

Firstprinta sheetof“CLEANINGPAPER”on letter,A4,or legalsizepaper accordingto the followingprocedure(see “3.2.1PrintingTest Sheets”).

1)Hold the [TEST] buttonuntilthe screen displays“HOLDFOR TEST” then “STATUSSHEET”.

2)Press the [TEST] button “twice” within one second after “STATUS SHEET”is displayed.The screendisplays“CLEANINGPAPER”.


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Star Micronics LaserPrinter4 manual Cleaningthe Fixingassembly