Fixingassembly— Theassemblyused to fix the toneron to the paper or other material using heat and pressure in printing process. It is located inside the printer and it gets extremely hot during the operation.
Font— a set of letters,numbers,andsymbolsof the sametypefacedesign.
Fontcartridge— Font cartridgescontainfontswhichcan supplementthe availableresident fonts of the printer to increase the variety of typefaces.
Glyph— a graphicsymbolthat conveysinformation.
Handshaking— indatacommunication,the automaticacknowledgingby thereceivingdeviceof informationthathasbeensentto it, eitherby signalsand the interface(“hard”)or by softwarecontrol(“soft”).
Hexdump— conversionby the printerof ASCIIsymbolsintotheirhexa- decimal (base 16) equivalent.This is useful for programmersor otheruserswhowantto troubleshootthe communicationsbetween the computerand the printer.
HMI (HorizontalMotionIndex) — refers to dot spacingin the smallest inc~ment that can be made in the horizontalor x axis.
Interface— a hardwareplugthat allowscableconnectionsof two devices. For instance,a cable from a computerparallel port to a printers parallelport.
Landscape— printing on paper across its wider dimension, such as a spreadsheet that is 11 in. wide and 8.5 in. high; landscape pictures
are usuallywiderthan they are tall.