T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 46 of 59

FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA W eb:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: s upport@fieldserver.com

Appendix 3. WinSock Error Messages

The following is a list of possible error codes returned by the WSAGetLastError call, along with

their extended explanations. Errors are listed in alphabetical order of error macro. Error codes

defined in WINSOCK2.H not returned from any function have not been listed here.

Macro Code Message Description
WSAEACCES 10013 Permission
An attempt was made to access a
socket in a way forbidde n by its
access permissions. An example is
using a broadcast address for
sendto witho ut broadcast
permission being set using
setsockopt (SO_BROADCAST).
already in use
Only one usage of each socket
address (protocol/IP address/port)
is normally permitted. This error
occurs if an application attempts to
bind a socket to an IP address/port
that has already be en used for an
existing socket, or a socket that
wasn't closed properly, or one that
is still in the process of closing.
For server applications that need to
bind multiple sockets to the same
port number, consider using
setsockopt (SO_REUSEADDR).
Client applications usually need not
call bind at all - connect will
choose an un used port
automatically. When bind is called
with a wild-card address (involving
WSAEADDRINUSE error could be
delayed until the specific address is
"committed." This could happen
with a call to other functions later,
including connect, listen,
WSAConnect or WSAJoinLeaf.
Cannot assign
The requested address is not valid
in its context. Normally results from
an attempt to bind to an address
that is not valid for the local
machine. This can also result from
connect, sendto, WSAConnect,
WSAJoinLeaf, or WSASendTo
when the remote address or port is
not valid for a remote machine (e.g.
address or port 0).