| Page 49 of 59 |
| |||||
| ||
| Macro | Code | Message |
| Description |
| ||
| A connect request was made on an |
| |||||||
| already | connected | socket. Some |
| |||||
| implementations | also return | this |
| |||||
| Socket | is | error if sendto is called on a |
| |||||||
| WSAEISCONN | 10056 | already |
| connected SOCK_DGRAM socket |
| |||||||
| connected |
| (For SOCK_STREAM sockets, the |
| |||||||
| to parameter in sendto is ignored), |
| |||||||
| although | other | implementations |
| |||||
| treat this as a legal occurrence. |
| ||||||
| Too many open sockets. Each |
| |||||||
| Too many open | implementation |
| may | have | a |
| ||||
| WSAEMFILE | 10024 | maximum | number | of | socket |
| ||||||
| files |
| handles available, either | globally, |
| ||||||
| ||||||||
| per process or per thread. |
| |||||
| A message sent on a datagram |
| |||||||
| socket was larger than the internal |
| |||||||
| WSAEMSGSIZE | 10040 | Message | too | message | buffer | or | some other |
| ||||
| long |
| network limit, or the buffer used to |
| |||||||||
| |||||||||
| receive a datagram into was |
| |||||||
| smaller than the datagram itself. |
| |||||||
| A socket operation encountered a |
| |||||||
| dead network. This could indicate a |
| |||||||
| WSAENETDOWN | 10050 | Network | is | serious failure of the network |
| |||||||
| down |
| system (i.e. the protocol stack that |
| |||||||||
| the WinSock DLL runs over), the |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| network interface, or the local |
| |||||||
| network itself. |
| ||
| The connection has been broken |
| |||||||
| due to | activity |
| ||||||
| Network |
| detecting a failure while the |
| |||||||
| WSAENETRESET | 10052 | dropped |
| operation | was | in | progress. It | can |
| |||
| connection | on | also be returned by setsockopt if |
| |||||||||
| ||||||||||
| reset |
| an attempt | is | made | to | set |
| |||
| SO_KEEPALIVE on a connection |
| |||||||
| that has already failed. |
| |||||
| A socket operation was attempted |
| |||||||
| WSAENETUNREACH | 10051 | Network | is | to an unreachable network. This |
| |||||||
| unreachable |
| usually | means | the | local | software |
| |||||
| knows no route to reach the remote |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| host. |
| An operation on a socket could not |
| |||||||
| WSAENOBUFS | 10055 | No buffer space | be performed because the system |
| ||||||||
| available |
| lacked sufficient buffer space or |
| |||||||||
| |||||||||
| because a queue was full. |
| |||||
| An | unknown, |
| invalid | or |
| |||
| WSAENOPROTOOPT | 10042 | Bad protocol | unsupported option | or level | was |
| ||||||
| option |
| specified in a getsockopt or |
| |||||||||
| |||||||||
| setsockopt call. |
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com Tel: (408)