.Statusmessages a~ low priority messages that either indicate normal conditionsor providewarningsthat need not be acted upon immediately. These conditionsshouldnot occur whenthe printeris On Line. If they do, however,the alarm will beep artdthe printer will go Off Line. For some conditionshowever,there is the possibilityof a conditionoccurringwhen theprinteris OnLine.If it does,thealarmwillnot soundandtheprinterwill remain On Line.
Message | Meaning | ActionlStatus |
PRINTER | printeris warming up but | — |
WARMUP | seMce call not necessary |
ENGINE TEST | operatorhasinitiateda testof | test in progress |
| theprinting |
ENGINE RESET | engineis beingreset | — |
REINITIALIZE | controllersoft initialization | occurswhen WSETI is |
| pressed or emulationis |
| changed;mayalsooccur |
| whenprinteris on lineif |
| emulationis changedor |
| resetis sent fromhost |
STATUS SHEET | statussheetprintout | occurs when [TEST]is |
| heldforatleast3 butless |
| than6 seconds |
FONT LIST | font listprintout | occurs when [TEST] is |
| held at least 3 seconds |
| and pressed within one |
| second |
CLEANING PAPER | cleaningpaperprintout | occurs when [TEST]is |
| heldforatleast3 seconds |
| and pressedtwice |
MP LOAD THE PAP | waitingfor cleaningpaper | occursafter printingthe |
| cleaningpaper |
NOW CLEANING | feedingcleaningpaper | occurswhenthecleaning |
| paperis beingfed |
CLEANING DONE | finishedcleaning | occurs after cleaning; |
| remaining for one sec- |
| ond |