Parallel— a communicationsinterfacethat sends or receives 8 bits of informationplus controlsignalsat a time.
Parity— a bit in a serialinformationthat allowsa computerandprinterto automaticallycheckfor errors in transmission.
Pitch— thewidthof a typefacemeasuredin charactersper inch.
Point— theheightof a type fon~measumdin points,or 1/72of an inch.
Portrait— printingonpaperacrossitsnarmwerdimension,suchasa letter on paper that is 8.5 in. wide and 11 in. high; portraitpicturesare usuallytallerthan they are wide.
Proportionaltype — a typefacein whichsomeletterstakeup more room on apnntedline thanothers,suchasWtakingmomspacethanl. The spacingof thelettersis alsointendedto enhancetheestheticquality of the printedpage.
RAM — RandomAccessMemory,or memorythat can be used to store informationtemporarily,such as text or printing configurations.
ROM — ReadOnlyMemory,or memory in which informationcan be storedpermanently,whetherthe poweris on or off.
Serial— a communicationsinterfacethat sendsor nxeives 1 bit of infor- mationat a time at a specifiedbaud rate.
StopBit— 1or2 bitsusedby thecomputerforthe timingof a transmission of information.
SymbolSet — the enthe list of ASCIIletters,numbers,and symbolsused with a particularlanguage,such as Englishor Spanish.
VMI(VerticalMotionIndex)— referstolinespacing,thesmallestincre- mentthatcanbe madein theverticalory axis.