Safety Notkea
This printeris certified as a Class 1 laser productunderthe U.S.Departmentof Health and Human Services (DHHS) RadiatiarPerformanceStandardaccordingto the RsdiationControlfor Healthand Safety Act of 1968. llris menns thatthe printerdoes not producehamrdouslaser rsdiat.iar.
Since radiationemittedinside the primcris completely cmdined withinprotectivehcusings andexter- nal covers, the laserbeam cmnot escape fromthe machine duringany phase of user operaticm
‘he center for Devices and RadiologicalHealth (CDRH) of the U.S.Fcod and Drug Administration implementedregulationsforlaserprcdoctson August2, 1976.‘flreseregulatiomsa@y to laserprodrrcts marketedin the UnitedStales. llte lstbefon theprintcrirtdicatescompliancewiththeCDRHregulations andmust be attachedto laserproductsmarketedin the United States.
| Federal Communications Commission |
| Radfo Frequency Interference Statement |
‘nriSeq | enthasbccn testedandfoundto complywithtielirrritsforat%ss B digitaldevice, pursuant |
to Parr1‘?’ of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonableprotectiaragainstharmfuf imcrferenmin a rtxidentialimstallatioit‘his. q“uipmentgmerates, uses andcan radiateradiofrequency energyand,ifnot installedandused in accordancewiththeinstructiats,may causehsrrnfulirrterference to
Reorientor mloatc the receivingantenna.
Increasethe separationbetween tireequipmentand receiver.
Connect the equipmmt into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiveris connected.
Constdtthe dealeror an experiencedradio~ technicianfor help.
Forcmmpliancewiththe FederalNoise IrrterfermceStandard,this equipmentrequim.sa shieldedcable.
Tk above sfateksnf.r apply only 10printers marketed in lk U.S.A.
Self Declaration
Radio interferenm regardingthis equipment has been eliminated accordingto Vfg 1056/1984 an- nmmm.dby the DBP.
DBP has keen informedof the introductionof this specialequipmentandhas been grantedthe rightto examine the whole series.
It is the user’sresponsibilityto see thathis own assembledsystemis in accordancewith the technical regtdaticmsunderVfg 1045/1984.
The equifxnentmay only he opened by qualified service represmtatives.