Withthis capability,the StarLaserPrinter4 will operatewith a widerange of applicationsprograms on the market, both old and new. Chapter 7 providesthe informationthat will allow you to use yourprinter with four
Chapter8 and9 describethe maintenanceandtroubleshootingoperationsto keep your Star LaserPrinter4 workingin “perfect”condition.
BeforeyoubeginlearningaboutyournewStarLaserPrinter4,youmayfind it helpfulto know somethingaboutlaser printingitself.
A laser is actually a beam of light of just one wavelength(Laser is an acronymfor Light Amplificationby StimulatedEmissionof Radiation). Such a beam of light,describedas “highlycoherent”,can be focusedvery sharply.Lasers,generatedby gases,liquidsor semiconductors,a~ widely used in applicationsrangingfrom surgeryto the visualarts.
Laserprintingis a processthat uses a laser beam— in this case,generated by
In the Star LaserPrinter4, two intercomectedunits producethe complete printingprocess:the tonercartridgeand the printerbody.
The tonercartridgecontainsthe drum,whichis the rotatingsurface.In the darknessof the tonercartridge,the drumholdsa negativechargeplacedon it by the primarycoronawire in the printer. Shutterson the bottomof the tonercartridgeassurethat no unwantedlightpenetratesits interior.