Setting Up A Page h
As the sampleprintshows,yourStarLaserPrinter4 can fill a sheetof paper with text and/orgraphicsto within3/16 - 1/2in (8 - 12mm)of the margins. Someof the choicesare made for you by the printer.But most of them are underyourcontrol,eitherfromthefrontpanelof theprinter,or throughyour computerand the applicationsoftwareyou are using on it.
Some of the choices may be limited. Printer emulation and the page orientationare examples.Your applicationsoftware may not support an availablecommand, or it may not permit a change in page orientation. Whether you are printing business letters, charts or other graphics, or brochuresand newsletters,you shouldkeep thesechoicesand theirlimita- tions in mind.
Whatfollowsis a list of the elementsthat go into a printedpage.Theymay be selectedthroughthe frontpanelof theStarLaserPnnter4 or throughyour applicationsoftware.