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List of terms
serving capacity
One of the traffic parameters used by the CAC algorithm to determine if the link of the particular node can accommodate a VCC or a VPC connection point.
SET alarm
An alarm that is issued when a fault condition is detected. These alarms have an activeListStatus value of “SET”.
See synchronous equipment timing source (SETS) (page 131).
setup priority
In PORS networks, setup priority indicates the relative importance of a connection, and its tolerance of path bumping. A connection with a lower setup priority can be bumped to an alternative path or terminated by a connection with a higher priority.
SFP module
See Small
See shaped fair queuing (SFQ) (page 120).
See shadowed file system (SFS) (page 120).
shadowed file system (SFS)
A mass storage file system that retains data on the control processor hard disks. Data retained by the file system includes software, provisioning data, and spooled data from the data collection system. The shadowed file system allows up to two disks to operate in synchronization for redundancy.
shaped fair queuing (SFQ)
A method for smoothing out traffic bursts. SFQ is useful for ensuring that transmitted egress traffic conforms to subscribed traffic parameters. SFQ regulates the emission interval of cells in the egress direction.
shared buffer memory
See shared memory (page 121).
shared bus
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
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